Former Navy SEAL 🔱 | Co-Host Special Forces Worlds 🌍 Toughest Test 🎥 | Christian 📖 | Fitness Enth 🏋🏽‍♀️ | Speaker/Mentor🗣️ | CEO @elitesealfit

In June 1999, Jovon answered the call to serve his country, joining the ranks of the United States Navy. For an incredible span of 22 years, he demonstrated unparalleled dedication and honor in his active duty service. His remarkable perseverance and aptitude shone through as he graduated with honors in his BUDs Navy SEAL training class, becoming the first African American man to achieve this prestigious milestone.

Not content with resting on his laurels, Jovon's pursuit of excellence extended beyond his military career. He earned a bachelor's degree in Organizational.


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